DIY Backdrop Boards – Create Sleek, Eye Catching Photos Without Breaking the Bank.

  Before I started selling my handmade products online, I had never really put much thought into staging photos or creating visually appealing photos. I just thought as long as they were crisp and clear they would be OK. This is technically true to a certain extent. However that's not going to be enough if … Continue reading DIY Backdrop Boards – Create Sleek, Eye Catching Photos Without Breaking the Bank.

Trying to get to Grips with Social Media. (And Failing).

Photography has never been something that has been an interest to me but, it's a must in the world of solo entrepreneurship so, I have picked up the camera and had a whack at it. However, people's varying opinion of photography, is still an enigma to me. Today for example I spent 20 minutes taking … Continue reading Trying to get to Grips with Social Media. (And Failing).